Nestled among birch, poplar, spruce and pine trees on the northern tip of pristine Harding Lake is Namushka Lodge. Harding Lake is 9.5 miles (15 km) long and up to 3.5 miles (5.5 km) wide. Your stay at Namushka Lodge will be one of the most relaxing and satisfying holidays you will ever have, an experience never to be forgotten.
The Landing
Upon arrival at Namushka Lodge, you will be greeted by your hosts (one of the Chorostkowski family), shown to your cabin, around the grounds and assisted in putting away your groceries. Harding Lake hosts an abundance of fishing holes which we would be more than willing to point out to you on the lake map as we set you up with your boat. You may also purchase your NWT fishing license at the main lodge before you head out.
What’s Included
We provide our guests with floatplane transportation between Yellowknife and Namushka Lodge. Your package includes:
- accommodations (full use of kitchen facilities, BBQ, etc.)
- clean bedding (sheets, pillowcases, sleeping bags)
- hot tub
- use 16 foot Lunds c/w 4 stroke motors & pontoon boat (gasoline, life jackets & boat safety kits all included)
- freezer facilities
We ask that guests bring their own tackle and favourite lures. Remember to bring warm clothing, as northern evenings, though sunny, can be cool.
Namushka Lodge Fishing Policy
We at Namushka Lodge believe that the best-tasting fish is the one right out of the lake! You are welcome to catch and consume all you can eat (within NWT limits). We encourage guests to catch and release all fish over 10 lbs so that everyone can have the same experience as you.
With a couple of pictures and measurements, a replica fish can be made without removing the chance to catch it again (so don’t forget your cameras!). Thank you for helping Namushka Lodge preserve the waters of Harding Lake for years to come!
Our Heritage

In 1968, three Yellowknife fellows, Peter Hovat, Dan Wilde & John Gasson decided to build a fishing lodge. Building materials were flown in from Yellowknife by Northwest Air DC3 in early spring and the work began on two cabins and the dock. The following year the main building was built.
After 2 years the establishment was purchased by Neil Orser and Noel Pottguter, after which it changed hands another time or two until it was purchased by 6 local families in 1982. Through the next 25 years, many guests have shared fishing stories, sunsets, group singsongs, evening “nightcaps” on the sundeck, in the hot tub or cozied up to a warm fire.